Why Choose
Parramatta Community Bike Hub?
Diverse Programs
Tailored bike education for schools, workplaces, and the community.
Supporting women, youth, ethnic minorities, and underserved groups.
Promoting a bike-friendly, sustainable Parramatta through active transport.
Eco-Cultural Exploration
Discover Parramatta’s heritage through sustainable tours.
Community Connection
Building bonds among people, places, and the vibrant culture of Parramatta.
Programs & Services
Bike Valet Parking
Easy, secure bike parking at events, encouraging eco-friendly travel.
Get Involved!
我喜欢和夏琳一起参加社交活动。对自行车安全、维护的所有事情都非常了解,并且喜欢炫耀她的社区。骑手的伟大倡导者,并为 新骑手或想要重新骑自行车的人提供超级棒的计划。
骑自行车是一项社交和愉快的活动,可以轻松融入日常生活。 它适用于所有水平的能力。
骑自行车的一大优点是没有真正的年龄障碍。 大多数健身水平的人都可以在必要时缓慢而轻柔地骑车。
骑自行车是一项社交和愉快的活动,可以轻松融入日常生活。 它适用于所有水平的能力。
骑自行车的一大优点是没有真正的年龄障碍。 大多数健身水平的人都可以在必要时缓慢而轻柔地骑车。
Our Goals
Our goals include increasing bike education, supporting health, promoting sustainability, and reaching diverse community groups, including First Nations people, women, children, CBD workers, and vulnerable communities.
Through strategic planning and community collaboration, Parramatta Bike Hub aims to build a healthier, cycling-connected community.
Parramatta Bike Hub exists to improve the health, well-being, and social connectedness of the community by promoting active transportation, especially cycling. We believe that fostering a sustainable and healthy lifestyle through cycling can reduce sedentary behaviour, boost mental and physical wellness, and bring people together in a safe, inclusive space.
We achieve this by offering comprehensive bike education, training programs, and collaborative cycling initiatives. Our hub provides equitable bike access, particularly for vulnerable and diverse groups, and advocates for safe, enjoyable rides that connect people with their city. Through strategic planning, we align our work with community needs, local government policies, and best practices in sustainable transport.
Parramatta Bike Hub provides bike safety and skills training, maintains a bike library, and offers a range of community-focused programs to encourage sustainable and active lifestyles. We regularly engage with community members, gather feedback, and partner with local stakeholders to create impactful programs that meet our community’s evolving needs. Our guiding principles and structured objectives support our mission to deliver accessible, high-quality cycling services that enrich community life.