Enhance your biking skills for fun, fitness, or commuting with our workshops, and get involved in our corporate volunteer program to promote wellness and sustainability.
Moving PARRA Matters
سواء كانت مؤسستك توظف شخصين أو 2000 ، يمكنك اتخاذ خطوات سهلة وفعالة من حيث التكلفة لجعل مكان عملك صديقًا للدورة. المهم هو أن تعمل الإدارة والموظفون معًا. كما أن الفوائد البيئية والصحية والإنتاجية للركوب إلى العمل موثقة جيدًا.
يمكن أن يؤدي تكامل المرافق والممارسات الصديقة للدورة داخل مؤسستك إلى زيادة جاذبيتك كصاحب عمل. ويمكنه أيضًا تحقيق وفورات مالية من خلال خفض تكاليف مواقف السيارات وسيارات الأجرة وأساطيل السيارات والبنزين. إن تعزيز قوة عاملة صحية يقلل أيضًا من مقدار التغيب ويزيد من الإنتاجية.
Moving PARRA Matters aims to address the challenges of a sedentary office culture by promoting cycling as an accessible, enjoyable, and eco-friendly mode of transport for local workplaces. This project empowers office workers to integrate movement into their day, benefiting personal health, mental well-being, and environmental sustainability.
Founded by Charlene Bordley, Addventageous has championed community cycling for over a decade, bringing cycling opportunities to various demographics within Greater Parramatta. Through initiatives like "Riding for Positive Mental Health," we’ve seen firsthand the transformative impact of cycling on health and happiness. Now, it’s time to extend this to the corporate world.
Modern work culture often keeps employees desk-bound, limiting physical activity and contributing to stress and mental fatigue. Without the opportunity for incidental movement, physical and mental health suffers, leading to a decrease in overall well-being and productivity.
Moving PARRA Matters will introduce accessible cycling options for office workers, helping to reduce barriers such as:
Bike Access: Providing bicycles for short commutes or lunchtime rides.
Skill Development: Offering beginner-to-advanced riding skills courses, trip planning, and bike maintenance.
Supportive Infrastructure: Partnering with workplaces to create bike-friendly environments with facilities for active transport.
Enhanced Well-being: Physical activity boosts energy and mood and reduces stress.
Increased Productivity: Healthier employees contribute to a positive and productive workplace.
Environmental Impact: Fewer car trips reduce pollution and congestion, aligning with Parramatta’s sustainability goals.
Call to Action
Moving PARRA Matters aims to address the challenges of a sedentary office culture by promoting cycling as an accessible, enjoyable, and eco-friendly mode of transport for local workplaces. This project empowers office workers to integrate movement into their day, benefiting personal health, mental well-being, and environmental sustainability.